Top 35 API Testing Interview Questions 2022

Automation Testing becomes easier as several iterations of the tests can be performed by using the Collection Runner or Newman. So you can save a lot of time when performing repetitive tests. They represent the API/Collection that can be accessed from the Server. We have listed a few common examples below to help you understand better. POST – As the name suggests, a POST request is used to send data to the server. Data like customer information, files, and so on can be sent using HTML forms.

API Pentesting 101: The Rules of Engagement – Security Boulevard

API Pentesting 101: The Rules of Engagement.

Posted: Tue, 01 Nov 2022 07:00:00 GMT [source]

However, it will be time-consuming if you have hundreds of API to test. There are many advantages of using RESTful web services over other conventional ways of sharing information such as a SOAP-based service, sharing a jar, etc. Does the tool support import API/Web service endpoints from WSDL, Swagger, WADL, and other service specifications? However, it will be time-consuming if you have hundreds of APIs to test. Any change in the API needs an explicit requirement; so testers can always stay alert of any changes and adjust them on time.

API Automation Testing using Apiritif Framework

They are generally used to point to a specific resource within a collection in the same way how a user is identified by ID. We have seen the basics of REST API that you will need to know. There are also a few basics of Postman that you should be familiar with. But before we can move forward, we have to explore a few aspects of the API contract as you’d have to know the following information to perform manual REST API testing using Postman.

The overall business architecture logic defines the APIs developed, integrated and used. API QA testers that do not understand this business application logic may experience uncertainty about test objectives. Status codes in the 4xx and 5xx ranges however, indicate that something is wrong and the users will receive error messages when using the API. The 4xx range usually indicates an error at the client or browser level, while the 5xx range indicates an error at the server level. RESTFUL Web Services use the HTTP protocol as a communication tool between the client and the server.

To understand when to use POST and when to utilize PUT operations, let’s enumerate a few URIs along with their purposes. As the services follow the idea of statelessness, it is not possible to maintain sessions. These items are used to deliver advertising that is more relevant to you and your interests. They may also be used to limit the number of times you see an advertisement and measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. Advertising networks usually place them with the website operator’s permission. Learn more about how MindPoint Group can help bulletproof your applications with PenTesting.

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Then a profiler such as YourKit could be used for CPU and memory profiling. Having too many client requests in place could make the server load high and if the server doesn’t have enough capacity it can result in poor performance at the REST server end. For those responses in JSON or XML format, it is easy to get the value of a given key or attribute. Hence, this method is helpful when verifying dynamic content, or individual value rather than the whole content.

How is REST API testing performed

But if the cause of performance issue is not peripheral but a deep-rooted one, this could not be enough. Are not either sending requests or receiving the response. Postman is a simple GUI for sending HTTP requests and viewing its responses.

API testing

When retrieving an object from the document, it follows the Groovy GPath syntax. It can be thought of as a JSON-specific version of XPath. Now you have to develop test cases for needed API methods.

So by now, you should have no trouble in performing Rest API testing using Postman in an effective way to ensure high quality. As a leading manual testing services provider, we have often used Postman for our manual testing projects. But Postman can also be used for automation testing with the help of Test scripts. APIs are crucial for enabling enterprises to achieve better connectivity with diverse business systems and applications. API is a specific set of routines, protocols, or tools for building software applications.

Postman Workspaces acts as a common working area where you can group your API projects together and use API builder to define APIs or generate API elements. So they are helpful in organizing your API work better api testing best practices and collaborating with your teammates as well. You can use Postman by either downloading & installing their application or use their web version. It is a good option to have as both offer great performance.

Performance of RESTful Web Services

A multi-step workflow with multiple requests—involves testing a series of requests that represent common actions by users. Verify the response headers—HTTP server headers impact both security and performance. When testing a REST API, there are two things to focus on – HTTP commands and status codes. API testing helps ensure that the API functionality of an application works as expected without any errors or deviations. It usually involves testing activities on a collection of APIs. An API or Application Programming Interface is a set of programming instructions for accessing a web-based software application.

The responses can be in plain text, a JSON data structure, an XML document, and more. They can be a simple few-word string , or a hundred-page JSON/XML file. Hence, it is essential to choose a suitable verification method for a given API. Katalon Studio has provided rich libraries to verify different data types using matching, regular expression, JsonPath, and XmlPath. API testing is a type of software testing that performs verification directly at the API level. It is a part of integration testing that determines whether the APIs meet the testers’ expectations of functionality, reliability, performance, and security.

Organizing your tests with the same structures will make your test reusable and extendable with integration flow. Verifying if the response code equals to 200 or not to decide whether an API testing is passed or failed is familiar to new API testers. However, it does not reflect all test scenarios of the API. Using Postman, you’ll be able to test checkpoints with the verification of the successful HTTP response status that will be added to every API call. Your test suites will be more organized as Postman allows users to build collections for their API calls.

How is REST API testing performed

REST API have transformed the way we carry data from one machine to another. RestFul web applications use the Rest API testing technique. Click on the GET method in the above store to access the pet inventory. When we click and execute the GET method, we get the following response. With support for a wide range of API architectures, test your legacy and modern applications, including REST API, SOAP, GraphQL and websockets. Mail us on , to get more information about given services.

What Are The Common Tests That Are Performed On Apis

React Native Development Make the end-users feel the performance of a truly native app developed by our team of highly skilled professionals. Selenium Testing Connect with us to understand how we can help to accelerate the growth of your business within a fixed budget and timeframe. Learn how to serialize and deserialize JSON responses using REST Assured library with example codes and Live API.

  • In this article we will learn how to cover JUnit REST API testing with Spring Boot.
  • Are not either sending requests or receiving the response.
  • Let’s take the below example where there is a need to perform a common functional test at the UI level.
  • If we have 400 UI tests then they may take around 40 hours to run whereas 400 API tests could be run in 3 minutes.
  • But before we can move forward, we have to explore a few aspects of the API contract as you’d have to know the following information to perform manual REST API testing using Postman.
  • Automation Testing becomes easier as several iterations of the tests can be performed by using the Collection Runner or Newman.

We start right from the basics and cover all the topics you will need to know about to perform Manual Rest API testing using Postman. Rest Assured examples for various HTTP request methods such as GET, POST, PUT and DELETE. We will refer to the same example in our next articles when we go into details of the io.restassured.response.Responseinterface. Internally io.restassured.RestAssured class uses an HTTP builder library, which is a Groovy language-based HTTP client.

Can we use GET request instead of PUT to create a resource?

API testing is performed on APIs that the development team produces as well as APIs that the team consumes within their application (including third-party APIs). RESTful Web Services are widely being used in software industry to enable integration of multiple applications due to advantages of them over conventional information exchange methodologies. They are simpler to use, easy to maintain and use less resources at production. Although applications would have undergone a lot of both manual and automation testing before release, it is possible for issues to crop up at production.

Provides support to create Requests for different HTTP method types . Tests should always be designed to reflect real-world conditions as closely as possible. This ensures that the API will perform as intended in the actual production environment.

What Is REST and Why Should You Test REST APIs?

API tests can be performed at the early stage of the software development lifecycle. An automation approach with mocking techniques can help verify API and its integration before the actual API is developed. Hence, the level of dependency within the team is reduced.

Object mapping to leverage the power of programming language. Negative testVerify that the API returns an appropriate response when the expected output does not exist. Specify input with minimum required fields and with maximum fields.

API testing works on backend also known as backend testing. API documentation serves as quick reference for accessing library or working within a program. We will verify whether the API is trigger other event or request another API.